Monday, July 15, 2013

Dani's Chicken Salad

Well, it's still really, really hot and humid so today I am opting for something easy, cool, and refreshing.  I know chicken salad doesn't sound all that exciting but sometimes I get a real craving for it.  Now there are tons of ways to go about this but I'm not a fan of the walnuts and grapes and other weird things people like to put in their chicken salad.  I'm really funny about textures and I don't really like the creamy, crunchy mix.  (I don't like any little weird bits in my ice cream, either.)  I'm going to share my version, hopefully you will like it as much as we do!

My biggest downfall is trying to pin down the "recipe".  I am not one to measure everything out, I kind of throw things in until it's the way I want it.  So, if you are a person that needs "exactness" my blog is going to drive you nuts.  Cooking should be an adventure each and every time you hit the kitchen.  (I won't do this to you for baked goods though, even I know better than that.)

What you will need:

Diced Cooked Chicken (approx. 3 breasts)
Hard Boiled Eggs (5)
Real Mayonnaise (ehh...)
Finely Diced Celery (1 - 2 stalks, it's up to you)
Finely Chopped Onion (about 1/4 - 1/2 C.)
Salt (to taste)
Lemon Pepper (to taste)
Nice Buns  :-)

Mix the diced chicken with the onion, celery, salt, and lemon pepper (to taste).  Don't be afraid of the lemon pepper, it's the special ingredient in this salad that makes it sing.

Add in a couple or three heaping scoops of mayo. You may like it wetter or drier so remember you can add more but you can't take it back out!

Dice up your eggs and fold them in.  I add them last because I like some of the yolk to retain it's integrity.  :)

Stick it in the fridge and get it good and cold.  Serve it up however you like, on some good buns or on a bed of lettuce for you carb watchers.  You can figure our your own sides, we are just having some nice salty chips because like I said, it's just too darned hot to worry about it.  And I know there is a lack of color to the food so I tried to make up for it with the plate and such.

Peace out, homies.


  1. I can attest, this is some seriously delicious chicken salad, and I don't even like celery! :o)
