Thursday, July 11, 2013

I. Like. Food.

Hello.  Wow, you read blogs all the time but putting pen to paper (figuratively speaking) to create one is a little intimidating.  I always have a lot to say, I'm just not sure anyone is interested in listening.  So, here goes.  I like food.  A lot.  I like to eat it, cook it, take pictures of it.  And I get very passionate when I'm talking about it.  Let me tell you a little story about Texas toast.  I used to work with my oldest son James and I would go in and excitedly start talking in detail about what my husband and I had for dinner the night before.  One day he suddenly started responding to my ramblings by saying "Texas toast".  He did this every time I started talking about food and he wouldn't tell my why.  It started to drive me crazy and make me a little angry, truth be told.  One day I made him tell me why the heck he was doing that.  He laughed and said I had come in one day and was rambling on about some Texas toast I had made so every time after that when I had a food story the first thought that came into his mind was Texas toast.  And that my friends, is now the cue for me to zip it.

Now if you like food as much as I do, maybe you will enjoy my ramblings more than he did.  I grew up in the kitchen.  My grandmother, my aunt Nani, and my mother didn't mind that I was always under their feet.  The kitchen was always the happiest and most intriguing place in the house for me.  We lived near my grandparents and their house was always full because most of my mom's brothers and sisters and their children lived on the same street.  The grownups were always sitting around the kitchen table drinking coffee and talking and someone was always cooking something.  I always had my nose right in the middle of it.  My grandmother didn't have much money to work with and she raised 5 children.  I think the most valuable thing I learned from her in the kitchen was creativity.  Work with what you have.

With all that being said, the purpose of this blog will be to share some of my family recipes, my photos, and just my general musings.  You won't find any "gourmet" recipes here, I'm just a down home girl that likes to cook food that sticks to your ribs and tastes good.  And if you are looking for "health food", you probably aren't going to find too much of that here either.

Check back tomorrow for something downright delicious.

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